Saturday, October 27, 2012


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Enjoying the beautiful fall weather! 

Pumpkin Patch

Picking our own pumpkins.

A little paintball fun!  We will definitely have to do this again.  They loved shooting real paintballs and probably would have sat there and done it all day!

Here's the tractor that drove us way out to the middle of the huge pumpkin patch.

Our decorated pumpkins at home.

Go Bears!

 Brooke's Birthday!  7 years old!

Making dolphin cupcakes for her party.

Drew had his first post treatment MRI 2 weeks ago and everything looks good.  There is a small area of scar tissue showing up which they consider "normal" post treatment changes, but will keep a close eye on.  

MRI day was a long day with lots of delays and he ended up spiking a fever while we were there getting his IV antibiotics, but they ended up letting us go home and watch him.  The next day we had to go back for his exam and to go over the scans and he seemed fine all day.  Well that night he spiked again to 103.  I got some Tylenol in him and decided to ride it out for the night since he doesn't have a central line anymore and I knew his counts were good.  I called his doctor in the morning and he decided that it was probably best to get blood cultures and cover him with antibiotics because his immune system really isn't back to normal yet.  So off we went to the ER for that whole routine again of vitals, an IV, labs, blood cultures, urine culture, nasal swabs, chest X-rays and IV antibiotics.  Thankfully everything came back good and his fever resolved and we were able to go home.  3 days in a row of the hospital and everything that comes with it brought back a lot of emotions of being back in the thick of it and wondering how in the world we did this for 15 months straight.

Drew is still doing physical therapy twice a week and going to preschool 3 days a week.  We are down to seeing cardiology every other month and neuro-oncology once a month.  He gets labs and IV antibiotics monthly and his MRI schedule will stay at every 3 months for at least the next year.   

We are so truly thankful and blessed to be where we are today and to have all of our children healthy and strong and here at home together.  We cherish these memories of watching the seasons change and simply enjoying the little things and thank you all for your continued support and prayers. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Come Celebrate With Us!

Come celebrate with us at a
Drew Ames Fundraiser 
presented by
Advanced Healthcare Associates

November 9, 2012 @ 5pm
Egg'lectic Cafe
221 Town Square
 Wheaton, IL 60189

$20 per person

Let's get together and celebrate this special boy and his recovery with a night of family fun and a buffet dinner.  There will even be some exciting raffles!!

Please RSVP to Maria @ (630) 260-1300