Saturday, March 31, 2012

Round 11 NO FEVER!

Saturday March 31, 2012

We have made it through round 11 without a fever! Drew is feeling really good and we have been able to enjoy some of the beautiful spring weather we have been having.

Evening meds.

I wanted to get a picture of Drew's port accessed to document what it looks like, but it was months and months before he would even let us look at it under his shirt just to check it let alone pose with his shirt off.

Being silly.

Brooke was so proud to help push Drew's IV meds.

It was so warm it felt like summer and the kids loved playing in the water.

The kids set up their own little soccer game in the yard.

We did have to go and get blood and platelets one day. There was a dad there that was doing face painting as part of his sons last day of chemo celebration. We opted to paint an arm instead of his face since we weren't quite sure how the washing of the face would go and while being Spiderman for a day or 2 would have been cool, a month or 2 might have been a different story.

Blake and Drew were able to get together a couple of times and play.

Randy's cousin Jason was in town for the week.

And just a picture of Kelsey - 9 months.

Next round is scheduled to start on Wednesday.

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